Thursday 14 September 2017

#154 - I am back!

Vol.# 154

Thank you all for your prayers for smooth travel back to Canada! 
I came in at midnight. My sister and nephew picked me up at airport and they were surprised at how quickly I came out! 

When I left Orlando and went to check in, the security personnel said that you have pre-checked so you can go in the shorter line! When I got there I did not even have to take off my shoes at security or take out my electronic devices from carry on.

All was going smoothly until I passed through security electronic gate, and there was a 'ping' sound! Yup, I was 'chosen' to have full body scan! Yes, that was what the guard said, making it sound like an invitation!

I successfully passed the test and then headed off to find the 'gate' where I would board the WestJet plane. Unfortunately, the gate number was not on my boarding pass and when I asked the airport personnel, he said, “Mmmm but it is there, Gate 4!” I said, “No, that’s my seat number! He just said, “Well, go that way until you see your airline!” I sent a quick prayer to God for me to find the gate and for the airline personnel. 

All of this took 10 minutes from the time I got to airport to the gate. It took 40 minutes when I was entering the USA from the Canadian side and only 10 minutes when I left!

When I got to Toronto, I had an 'angel ' who helped me with the machine when it could not read my passport. Yup, I had to choose the machine that was not working properly! But again I sailed through and when I got to the baggage pickup, my suitcase was just coming out on the belt. 

I am very grateful to all of you who prayed for my brother and his family in the midst of the hurricane. We were part of the 1/3 that had power and no flooding whilst others still had not had power restored yet!

Love, His Warrior and Disciple, 
Submitting to be His Dance partner here in Cambodia, 

Your sister, Vidya 

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