Thursday, 16 June 2016

#110 - Final Assessment and Homecoming!

Thank you! My presentation went well. 
I could not get the Khmer keyboard working and I was depending on that to do my power point presentation, but Channak had a great idea, which was to write down the titles etc. in the presentation on cue cards in Khmer, and then he took photos of them and put them on power point for me. 
I cannot tell a lie, I was stressed and had to rewrite some of them over and over until I got them right.
Guess what
In closing remarks my Khmer teacher gave kudos for creativity! The rest of the students did an excellent job in their professional presentation! 
Ahem, this was a test of His fruit of the Spirit. 

Personal prayer request
: On the 22nd I will have a final assessment for this level. This is the toughest one and all of us are feeling the pressure. Will you please pray that I will finish well? Deep sleep is elusive, and I realize that I have been on the go mentally since my stay in the hospital, and well, frankly, I am tired mentally and emotionally. Physically I am doing well!  
Thank you!

Prayer requests

- Please pray as I study for the assessment. My reading is good, I just take a longer time, but understanding the conversations flowing around me has been more difficult! I was praying this morning around 3 (I could not sleep - LOL) that God would give me His ears to hear and to not only differentiate sounds, but also get the rhythm when I have to say the words! I want to learn the language of my adopted family here with integrity and be able to communicate !  
- I am meeting with 6 of former students for dinner soon. Please pray for deepening of relationships which is not dependent on my feeding them, but also listening and being a help to them! 
- This Friday I have sent up a lunch date with one of my former students as well! She just got engaged due to pressure from her mother, so please pray that my Khmer and her understanding of English will be enough for us as we eat and hang out together! 

I cannot wait to see you all as I come home on the 26th of this month, and return to finish my studies on August 3rd! Dancing the waltz today with Him!

Love, His Warrior and Disciple, submitting to be His Dance partner here in Cambodia,
Your sister, Vidya 

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