Monday 22 January 2024

#284 - A New Year's word and divine encounters!

Vol.# 284 

Belated Happy New Year

We had one week off from work, so I was able to rest a bit, but soon after coming back to work, I was hit with the same sickness as some of the staff in the office. I was able to go back out to work last Friday and we were back in full swing as I went to one church service on Sunday and served in the evening service here.



As I sat with the Lord, the countdown began and the fireworks were bursting around me. For some strange reason, all of my neighbours must have invested in big fireworks because there was a lot of booming sounds and smell of smoke from the big crackers!. Most people went down to the riverside, the main place for the big fireworks display. I was invited by Lokru Samdy and his wife to join them, but I wanted to be in a place where I could go on my knees, thanking God for His mercies from 2023 and then asking Him about His mission for me for 2024. 

And this is what He said to me: Continue to shepherd my sheep, Vidya, with 2 staffs, Favor and Union (I was reading from Zechariah). I will give you favor with My Presence when you spend time with me; I will give you insight when you read my Word so that you can share with others; I will give you favor with those I will bring across your path; and I will give you favor to know how to pray for others. You will help to breach paths of miscommunication to bring My unity amongst others here. You are still the intercessory warrior on behalf of Me, yet you will walk in the shoes of peace wherever you go! In this culture ‘favor’ is often interpreted as finances as opposed to His wisdom and His insight! I am humbled by this because of what happened on Friday when I returned to work.

As I sat at the same table in the cafe area, (I wanted the fresh air and not the air-conditioning since I still have a lingering cough), I had the first of three God-ordained meetings. 

The first one was with a sister who used to work with 5Ps group of which I am a part of at the office (the Soul care, youth and children ministry group), and she felt led to come in to pray with someone and that someone was me! 

The second meeting was with Oun Chetra. He is leaving us at the end of this month to start a business. I heard his reason. He knows that in the last couple of years our church has been going through a tough financial time and he was thinking of how he could help with the sustainability of our church. With his experience in Human Resources and Administration, he knows all about the workings of the church. God had not only put into his heart but also into his wife’s heart the thought of stepping out of the church environment to go into business so that he can contribute to his church and become a partner alongside to help in financial sustainability for New Life church! I got a chance to listen, to thank him for the many ways in which he helped me in his former role, and to tell him how much I appreciated his dry sense of humor and his professionalism. I also reassured him that even though he is no longer staff, he is still a member of our church family. Actually God had laid both his name and his wife’s name on my heart to put in my prayer journal at the beginning of the year. I was not aware that he would be leaving us!


The third encounter was from a youth. He came by to say he missed seeing me the past week at church and wanted to know how I was doing. He told me of his plans to go to Ohio to study. He had already received two scholarships and was waiting to hear from the university about the possibility of two further scholarships so that he could have a full scholarship to be able to afford the tuition and accommodation. He has been faithfully serving with the University students and the Welcome team here, and his parents also serve as volunteers at the church. 

As I left that morning the word ‘favor’ came back to me. God showed me His favor with those encounters, HE not only allowed me to be there at the right time, but He drew them to the table and then gave me a listening ear to hear the heart stories! It was humbling to immediately see what He had revealed to me earlier on in this month!

I was also surprised to meet up with a former high school classmate from way back when I went to St. Joseph’s Convent, Port of Spain. Maria had written to say that she would be travelling through here with family and I was thankful we were able to spend a couple of hours together, not having seen her in over 30-plus years! Let me tell you there was a lot of laughter and reminiscing going on from back in those days!


As I wrap up this update, I have to say to many who do not believe, that the Bible is His living Word to us today, His instructions on how to live out His values and purpose. Well, here is what happened two weeks ago. I had offered to sponsor all those who were working in the three services on Christmas Eve coffee, tea and snacks for the day. I had given a budget to the church cafe owner and was told that we had gone over the said budget. So as I was getting my tithe for the new year, I was saying to the Lord that since we went over the budget and the money given was for a church event, I was reasoning that I would give a lesser amount and count in the ‘over-expense’ from Christmas Eve. So, with that settled in my mind, I went to do my reading and the first thing I read from Malachi 3:10 was this…Bring the FULL tithe into the storehouse…! Seriously, I cannot make this up, I looked up and put down my pen and immediately transferred the full amount of my tithe to the church! Yes, the Bible and Jesus are alive and relevant! 

I pray that this year is one in which you can walk/dance into knowing that the Lord is holding your hand, that He will not let you go. He is your Rock and your Shield. I give you Psalm 18:16-36. Thank you all for your continuing dance with me in my heart country. Please continue to send in your stories and prayer requests! 



Love, His Warrior and Disciple, 

Submitting to be His Dance partner here in Cambodia, 

Your sister, Vedya 

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