Vol.# 283
As I sit on my rooftop this early morning, the breeze is cool, the birds are chirping and neither the sounds of the traffic nor the sounds of construction have yet begun. So it is with a grateful heart as I listened to my Christmas hymns in the background, that I write this final update for the Year 2023!
At the beginning of December, the call went out from the Creative team here at New Life Fellowship church for people to wear certain colours to herald in the season! The first Sunday was red, the second Sunday we wore green, and last Sunday was white/gold. This Christmas Eve, it will be any combinations of the above colours! It is amazing how many people in the congregation joined in the festive spirit and it was a bit overwhelming to sit at the far corner of the church just before the doors open to see a mass of people, all ages, wearing the specific colours for that Sunday, come walking into the church!
It has been an unusually tough year all around the world, economically and financially, and within our own church salaries were decreased by ten percent. Many NGOs closed due to current economic situation, so that many within our own congregation had lost their jobs and are facing an unknown season. Yet here they all were getting into the community spirit to celebrate the greatest gift of Hope that is Jesus Our Christ! By the way, can either of you guess which colour I loved the best and which colour I will be wearing on this Christmas Eve?
Last Sunday I was asked if I could stay to pray over the 60 students who were graduating from the first level from School of Ministry, a course that is given to teach many about the Bible, and setting up their discipline of reading and studying the Word. Along with the School of Ministry was the Life Guidelines (LG) class that introduces the new believers to baptism, cell group discipleship groups, and teaches how to practically introduce their new beliefs into a lifestyle that glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ. As I sat and listened teary-eyed to 2 testimonies given in Khmer (understood 70 percent), and watched how many had chosen to take these courses on a Sunday morning and afternoon at the church, giving up their time to attend, I was thankful for the freedom we still have here in Cambodia to practise our Christian beliefs!
Last Sunday Lokru (male teacher name in Khmer) Pisit, who is not only the head of Bible Society in Cambodia, but also an elder from our church and a worship leader on one of the teams, preached on the birth of Jesus and the 3 wise men. He played a short video at the end depicting the shepherds in the field looking up into the sky, seeing the bright star, and also the 3 wise men following the bright star. God brought certain questions to my mind: Which star do I follow? Is it Jesus or an earthly role model? The star was shining so brightly that I wondered, AM I a star for others leading them to Him, and what is making my star not shine so brightly? What is coming between me and my God? What do I need to do to make sure that the STAR, which is Jesus Christ for me, stays shining? Reading His Word, prayer, accountability to my spiritual leaders… Who is your STAR? What are you doing, my fellow dance partners, to ensure that the Star is not tarnished but shines ever so brightly for others to follow?
Thank you again for coming along with me on 2023! I look forward to dancing into 2024 with you being led by Jesus the Christ!
For those who have lost loved ones this year, the Star may not be shining so brightly amidst the bitter sweetness of your loss, so I pray for His peace and gentleness to be over you like a warm blanket.
Love, His Warrior and Disciple,
Submitting to be His Dance partner here in Cambodia,
Your sister, Vedya