Saturday, 10 November 2012

#15 - The Rat; The Gym; and To Market We Go!

And there was the

So there I am sitting with Channak and hearing about his experiences out west in Canada (the dancers and chaperones had just come back from their tour of Calgary, Vancouver etc.), when all of he sudden he says, “There is a rat going into Annette’s bedroom!” 

I got up from my chair and say to Annette, “You may want to put your feet up on your bed and your skirt as well” (She was wearing a long skirt and it was trailing on the floor). She looks up at me and Channak quickly goes into the room and closes the door.

Now I have to admit since I had not seen the rat, and he closed the door so quickly, I thought he was playing a prank on me and wanted to get Annette to be his accomplice. SO, I went back to my emails (I can access it on my computer when he comes across and brings his IPhone. I do not ask how he can do that, I am just grateful). 
I can hear banging and scrambling going on but still do not think much of it until C comes out of the room holding the RAT by its tail! 
I am sorry for you rat lovers out there, but it was dead! 
He killed it with his hands! (Actually his right hand, so I am not going to be shaking his right hand any time soon!) 
Annette comes out, she had jumped on the bed but then the rat went on the bed, so she had gone to the washroom and closed the door and through a hole in the door was peeking out and yelling to Channak where she thought the rat was! 
We were laughing and being grossed out at the same time. Part of its tail was still in the room and we were trying to clean up the area. 

That was the icebreaker that was needed for us all. It had been an intense time of readjusting to new schedules in the English program; plus, trying to work without a photocopier on site; having to go into the village area every morning to photocopy; adjusting back to the new class time; plus, the usual, no internet, and maybe no water. 
(Curious thing: for the week Channak and team came back we had internet, now that he has gone to Philippines with Pastor for a conference, no internet once more! I am doing this on Word and waiting to transfer this to my email when I get into the city!) 

Someone has made it possible for me to join the gym here on weekends when I come into the city. Today was my first visit with a personal trainer who speaks a little English. I chose him because on my first time he was helpful with the breathing techniques. I prayed and asked God that he would be available! It so happens that it is a holiday today, which is Friday, and we came in and he just happened to change his shift today! 

Many of you have been praying for me to find a community on the weekend and I have made connections with the owner of the hotel in the city. Her name is Lim and not a Christian (yet!) but she was interested in going to the gym and asking for special rates for hotel guests. I told her I would pray that she would find favour when she meets with the manager on Monday. We have had spiritual discussions off and on since I have been coming here. 

I was discussing with my older students the possibility of going into Bek Chan, which is the market place outside of Rescue to get sports clothing for the gym. The boys said, “Cher, we are going to take you on our hours off.” 
However that morning, Tarkuean, who is Marie’s assistant and housekeeper and chef, called and said that she would take me on the moto. 
I went with her thinking the boys would forget. But they did not and came with their bikes! So there I was perched on the back of the bike and off we went. I was thinking I was going to be one of those kids who would be asking ‘are we there yet’, but I was pleasantly surprised! 
I did not know where to put my feet just in case it came into contact with the spokes on the wheel and it was so hot, but the guys had fun in bargaining and trying to get me t-shirts (nothing was over three dollars!). 

As we were riding back, Visal, one of my older students said to me, “I think it is cool that you went with us to the market!” 
And the other kids from Rescue who passed us by were laughing and cheering me on! 

This past week has been tough in some ways: teaching some parts of the lessons were a challenge. Eccl: 12:9-10 says …Not only was the Teacher wise, but also he imparted knowledge to the people. He pondered and searched out and set in order...” 

Could you pray that I would not forget my primary visible role here: to teach; to be creative; that I would not just settle for following the curriculum; that I would have His imagination in teaching techniques; that I would have the passion and energy to seek out different ways of teaching? 

I have felt the restlessness of the students in the past 2 weeks, so can I ask you to pray for their attention and hunger to learn English? This has been difficult with no Internet at times, so I could not access certain educational sites. Thank you. 

Ezekiel 33:32: Indeed to them you are nothing more than one who sings love songs with a beautiful voice…for they hear your voice but do not put into practice… I do not want to be spiritual fluff here. My invisible role is as an intercessory prayer warrior. I want to do some damage in the heavenlies. 
I need His discernment but also alone time with Him. 
Can you pray that I would be more deliberate in setting aside time? 

I pray for you all and I want to thank those of you who keep sending me your prayer requests. It keeps me connected to you! 

Still Dancing with Him (kick boxing actually!),

   Love, Sister Vidya