Tuesday, 27 March 2012

#1 - What led up to my journey to Cambodia

When I look back, it has been ten years since He has called me to pray and be involved in the land of Cambodia. 
  • When I was the coordinator of the Drop In Centre, as part of the community service, the kids and I would set up the room for the Cambodian church, praying over it when we were finished.  
  • Ten years ago, I became part of the prayer support team for the former pastor of the Cambodian Church, Pastor Sok and his wife Savy and continue to be on their team. 
  • Five years ago, Lisa Cheong shared her passion for justice for the boys and girls involved in human sex trafficking in  Cambodia, and I became a member of the core group for Ratanak International organization, as a volunteer in bringing awareness to His cause in Cambodia
  • Three years ago, I became part of Pray Big Pray Bold for the land of Cambodia, praying for our partner agencies there. I am grateful to Ratanak International for it has become a ‘sending agency’ for the land of  Cambodia
  • Two years ago I went on a missions trip to Cambodia as part of a team of 12, and it was there  I fell in love with the land and its people. 
 I was also thinking of all the hands on experiences  I have had the privilege to learn  these past 10 years with Children’s Ministry, Evergreens, Drop In Youth, Alliance Men: Prayer team member: Working under different organizational structures such as Youth For Christ and Rexdale Alliance Church: as point person for different events such as Garages Sale/Fun Fair, Christmas Banquet, Easter services, from the human perspective it looked as if I did not know where I belonged but in each ministry He was preparing me for His Work in His land, soon to be my land, Cambodia, the kingdom of Kampuchea:

 As of March 31st, I would be leaving for one year to go to Place of Rescue, under the authority of Marie Ens.  All of my spiritual gifts and life experiences would be wrapped up to be used at Place of Rescue. Place of Rescue is a safe haven for families living with AIDS, orphan children- teens ( at risk ) , young adults, orphan grannies and young unmarried pregnant women ( same groups I worked with at Rexdale Alliance church). My educational background with the Toronto Board of Education as an ESL teacher, Basic Literacy Educator and curriculum developer, a Masters of Adult Education degree combined with working with the Correctional Services and the above mentioned ministries have led me to Place of Rescue. 
I am reminded of the story of Joseph from the Old Testament.  Joseph was put into prison and he felt as if he was forgotten.  I knew that God wanted me to fight His cause of injustice against those who were forgotten, neglected, and abused. But for four years I  was  in  my ‘prison time’, and God allowed me to be stripped of material possessions, status and anything which would prevent me from being 100 percent dependent on Him. 

However He reminded me from His Word in Genesis 39:20,-21; that Joseph’s master took him and put him in prison, the place where the King’s prisoners were confined....But while Joseph was there in the prison, the LORD was with him.... HE wanted me to learn what it was like to feel shamed, humiliated and discarded and what it was to serve Him and to obey Him unconditionally. Did I learn these lessons with a’ diva like attitude, or a woe is me, hand on forehead saint like attitude? God taught me to walk with Him with joy, laughter, His grace and yes His dance! 

Two questions which He continued to ask me during these times were ‘Do you love Me? Will you follow Me?’  Many times I have failed in learning my lessons but in His graciousness He never left me. Why did He want me to learn these particular lessons? SO that I could follow Him and pray with His heart more specifically and more passionately for those He would be allowing me to serve and to lead. 
 My two fold purpose at Place of Rescue will be: 
  • teaching English as a Second Language teacher: to provide the spoken and written skills needed for the girls and boys rescued by Place of Rescue in preparation for jobs/careers/ for life  Isaiah 58:12
  • prayer intercessor: for the land of Cambodia: for the resurrection of His role models of healthy relationships between husband and wife, for men/boys to reclaim the roles set out by Jesus Christ for them as leaders and servants of God:  Isaiah 60: restoration of Cambodia
I thank God for the accountability group He has provided for me:
  • I will be skyping with the Missions Leadership Committee once a month
  • I will be connecting with my specific prayer partners
  • Weekly talks with my parents in Trinidad and Tobago
  • And of course, Marie Ens will be directly supervising my work while I am there. 

Dancing with Him