Vol.# 223
It is early Sunday morning and the loud blowing of horns sends people in my neighbourhood scurrying out into the streets! It is a unique sound that we all recognize and may cause either a peace or anxiousness to prevail over us. Is it the sound of the ice cream man? Or is it another kind of vendor? No, it is the garbage truck! Then either we are peaceful because we know we have already put out the garbage or become anxious because now we have to run down quickly to put it out or else the garbage will remain for another 3 to 4 days before the truck comes back again! As I watched my neighbours from my rooftop gather outside to either instruct the garbage workers on how and where to go and get the garbage, and then interact with each other on the street, I ponder the scene before me. Here people are running towards something that literally ‘stinks’ with no hesitation.
I wonder, Lord, am I doing the same thing, but in a spiritual way? Am I looking towards other things, ‘idols’ for my direction and purpose in life? Things that have an unholy stench in Your eyes? Or am I going to You to get rid of those things in my life that have come as an obstacle to my worship and my vision and mission which is centred on You and around You? It is so easy to get comfortable in things that are kind of spiritual but are not godly!
In my Bible readings with Him, Jesus Christ has affirmed part of my purpose here through 1 Corinthians 14:3...to speak words which strengthens others, encourages them and comforts them. In Khmer translation it says to build up, to challenge or warn and to encourage others. My senior preaching pastor here in PP spoke on this verse last week and I knew that God was confirming what HE told me the week before! God again confirmed that I am supposed to be at New Life Fellowship during this season when I walked into the staff worship morning meeting and I just felt this overwhelming love and affection for those that God has given to me during this season. Yes, we are all different but together we will work to build up and challenge and strengthen each other! Then, just in case I did not get it, came a third confirmation from 2 Corinthians 11: 12...”And what I am doing I will continue to do...” During this time when roles change and therefore personal vision/mission may change, the one thing I do know is that HE will always confirm His purpose in His Word if we stop to spend time with Him because HE never changes!
I am grateful to be here for the birth of a baby boy to Lokru (Pastor) Samdy and Nekru Navy. What I love about Khmer culture is that people just ‘drop in’ with food and snacks to hang out and celebrate! When I went to visit at their home with my Sister Liep, there were already 4 people there sitting on the floor with Lokru Samdy and his wife Navy and their new born baby Rithypong in their bedroom, and then Liep and I joined them!
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At Lokru Samdy and Navy's House to Celebrate Baby Rithypong |
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Baby Rithypong |
Then just a few days ago I got to go with my ‘girls’ from Rescue to visit our receptionist who also had her baby just a few days before Sister Navy! We brought food and just took it across during our lunchtime from the office! Again, to just spend time and just be with them!
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At Receptionist's Home with Former Rescue Students |
I had a follow up meeting with the new Executive Director of Prison Fellowship, Oun Muylen, to see how I can be of any help. It was good to go there and meet some of the staff. We got to pray together and listen to each other’s hearts. She is so passionate about her love for God and believes strongly in the restoration and healing that can only come through Jesus Christ! I will be writing more about my sister Muylen in later updates!
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With Sister Muylen: Executive Director Of PFC |
We continue to provide blessing packages for many outside of the city. We gather as a team to assemble the packages in one corner of the parking lot of the mall. It is a hot and dusty time but also fun filled. Then I got the utmost privilege to pray over these blessing packages that would go out to families who are suffering economically during COVID-19 and pray that these physical symbols of His love will lead to a stronger understanding of the Father’s love for His children. A physical act of fulfilling the words from 1 Cor.14:3 that the rice, oil, canned food, soya sauce, laundry detergent and much more will not only encourage and build up those who are weary and dispirited, but will also challenge them in their faith as we all walk together in this journey with Jesus!

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Preparing Blessing Packages |
Thank you to ALL of you because as you give to me financially and spiritually, I then can give to others here! YOU are reaping the harvest here; YOU are being His heart by your giving not only financially but also with your prayers and words of encouragement! THANK YOU! HE sees and knows of your sacrifice of finance and time!
I thank God for teaching me each day to walk in obedience. This past Monday I was thinking, Lord why am I here today since we had no taping of classes online or meetings about preparation of classes. However we were invited to join the taping of the church service, which usually would occur on a Wednesday, but because of the upcoming 10 days of holidays we were doing 2 tapings this week, so I went to the auditorium. There were many of us from the staff as well as 2 or 3 visitors, and as the worship began one of the women began crying softly, and she kept crying as she felt His Presence pervade the room. I went to stand next to her and put my arm around her and we swayed together to the worship music. As I began to look around for 2 of the women from the pastoral care team to maybe come over to talk/counsel her, I noticed they had their eyes closed in worship as well so I could not connect with them! Then suddenly the woman turned and went into a full hug with her head on my shoulder and began to sob loudly! In my spirit I was asking God to nudge the other pastoral team members to come over, but then I just heard His voice quietly say to stay and wait and to be His presence for her. So I just held her and waited until she was ready to let go. After the service the Khmer pastoral leaders came over to talk with her, as they already knew who she was. God reminded me that it is in the ‘small things’ He wants me to be obedient. I may think I am not qualified to be of use in certain times but sometimes He just wants me to be His quiet presence.
All of us play a role in His plan, so for all of you reading this who think you need some special qualification to be worthy to be used, you are qualified! YOU are HIS, you have said yes to HIM, so be ready to move when He moves your spirit. Do not be shy or think others can do what He is asking you to do, which may be just to say hello to someone, or smile or make a phone call. HE has opened your heart to His heart, so be ready to open another person’s heart to His love by being obedient to His nudges!
Prayer Request:
I will be helping to facilitate a Global Leadership Summit Cambodia workshop with a local business on Sept 26, October 3rd and 10th (3 consecutive Saturdays). Please pray for wisdom and discernment as I help those who are leading the workshop, that I would be able to anticipate needs and to strategize on how to help organize the workshop so that it would be 100 percent led by God and conducted in a professional manner!
Keep on sending me your prayer requests and life stories as we dance and do life together!
**The coolest thing happened as I was sending this off. I received 2 messages. The first was from the Executive Director of Prison Fellowship Cambodia asking if I can officially be one of her mentors! I said yes! Then there was a video call from the missions team here as they go to the province asking if I would pray over them before they leave! Very cool but I had uncombed hair, no make-up, still in pajamas as it is very early in the morning here!
Thought I would share a cool pic that shows the creativity of Khmer: One Moto, Many People!

Love, His Warrior and Disciple,
Submitting to be His Dance partner here in Cambodia,
Your sister, Vidya
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