Vol.# 213
How the Virus Stole Easter
By Kristi Bothur [With a nod to Dr. Seuss]
By Kristi Bothur [With a nod to Dr. Seuss]
T’was late in ‘19 when the virus began
Bringing chaos and fear to all people, each land.
People were sick, hospitals full,
Doctors overwhelmed, no one in school.
As winter gave way to the promise of spring,
The virus raged on, touching peasant and king.
People hid in their homes from the enemy unseen.
They YouTubed and Zoomed, social-distanced, and cleaned.
April approached and churches were closed.
“There won’t be an Easter,” the world supposed.
“There won’t be church services, and egg hunts are out.
No reason for new dresses when we can’t go about.”
Holy Week started, as bleak as the rest.
The world was focused on masks and on tests.
“Easter can’t happen this year,” it proclaimed.
“Online and at home, it just won’t be the same.”
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the days came and went.
The virus pressed on; it just would not relent.
The world woke Sunday and nothing had changed.
The virus still menaced, the people, estranged.
“Pooh pooh to the saints,” the world was grumbling.
“They’re finding out now that no Easter is coming.
“They’re just waking up! We know just what they’ll do!
Their mouths will hang open a minute or two,
And then all the saints will all cry boo-hoo.
“That noise,” said the world, “will be something to hear.”
So it paused and the world put a hand to its ear.
And it did hear a sound coming through all the skies.
It started down low, then it started to rise.
But the sound wasn’t depressed.
Why, this sound was triumphant!
It couldn’t be so!
But it grew with abundance!
The world stared around, popping its eyes.
Then it shook! What it saw was a shocking surprise!
Every saint in every nation, the tall and the small,
Was celebrating Jesus in spite of it all!
It hadn’t stopped Easter from coming! It came!
Somehow or other, it came just the same!
And the world with its life quite stuck in quarantine
Stood puzzling and puzzling.
“Just how can it be?”
“It came without bonnets, it came without bunnies,
It came without egg hunts, cantatas, or money.”
Then the world thought of something it hadn’t before.
“Maybe Easter,” it thought, “doesn’t come from a store.
Maybe Easter, perhaps, means a little bit more.”
And what happened then?
Well...the story’s not done.
What will YOU do?
Will you share with that one
Or two or more people needing hope in this night?
Will you share the source of your life in this fight?
The churches are empty - but so is the tomb,
And Jesus is victor over death, doom, and gloom.
So this year at Easter, let this be our prayer,
As the virus still rages all around, everywhere.
May the world see hope when it looks at God’s people.
May the world see the church is not a building or steeple.
May the world find Faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection,
May the world find Joy in a time of dejection.
May 2020 be known as the year of survival,
But not only that -
Let it start a revival.
The above poem was sent through a group chat from my high school mates from Trinidad and Tobago. God had chosen for us all to reconnect after 30 years or so. For such a time as this I am so grateful that we can all connect from different countries, France, Spain, Italy, New Zealand, Canada, USA, England and Trinidad and Tobago, just to name a few!
I wanted the focus to be on His decision to die for us, the Crucifixion and His glorious Resurrection in the midst of COVID 19!
Update on Cambodia:
The Khmer New Year which is from April 13-16th has been cancelled by the Prime Minister. As of last night a curfew was put into place that there would be no travelling out of the city and into the city. Usually this week there would be the flow from the city to the countryside or hometowns where New Year’s celebrations with family and friends would commence. However, to deter the virus from spreading there has been a moratorium on travelling. The state of emergency has not been put into place yet and we are waiting to see what that is like. The rate of infection has been low here with no known deaths.
Many are focusing more on the economic effects of the virus with many businesses closed down or hours of businesses restricted. The very poor are the ones being hit the hardest as in any other country. However, many still are not realizing that this is a virus that can kill! Community/personal space guidelines are not really being followed since so many live together under one roof. The garment factories are still open. However, weddings and funerals are limited to a certain amount of people, yet within those groupings, there is no personal spacing! At the main groceries here they have got the markings on the floor designating where to stand, and masks and hand sanitizers are compulsory if you are going into certain business places.
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I have had this craving for mangoes for the past 5 days or so, and the only person who knew that was my tuk tuk driver! For some reason or other I did not buy them, thinking that I would usually get them from the landlady. Well, yesterday I got a message from another church member who said, “Vidya, would you like some mangoes? And I will come and drop them for you at your gate!” I was in tears because HE knew my heart, a simple request, but after being in self isolation for nearly 3 weeks now and not seeing a church member face to face (rather than on the screen or on the phone), it was God saying “I listen, my child, I hear you, I will provide, but not in the way you think so that you will know that it is ME, your ABBA, your PROVIDER!” My friend who came has been isolating as well with family members. Oh yummy! Mangoes have never tasted sweeter!
Prayer Request:
Luke 13:18 ‘...What is the kingdom of God like? ...It is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed...and the birds of the air made nests in its branches...”
I have been asking God, what is my mustard seed today? Please pray that HE would show me how I can be His mustard seed of encouragement and help. Many of my Khmer coworkers and friends keep asking, “Bong how are you feeling?” They think I am sick and that is why I am self isolating, not realizing I am being wise for I am at ‘high risk’, but not only that, this virus is still being viewed as a foreigner one! Even as I write this, a message just popped up to help someone in hospital with bills (not COVID related), but one of our church members’ daughter who has not come to church in a long time asked for prayer. Today, I will choose to be His seed to plant His love!
Prayer Request:
I ask for continued prayers for my parents who have been in their apartment now for over 3 weeks. Thank you to my sister and my family back home for looking after them on site and with calls etc.
Prayer Request:
With the Khmer New Year and Easter being so close in dates, the focus is usually more on the New Year even for most Christians here. Please pray that the focus would be on EASTER rather than energies being put into how the New Year can be celebrated with the government restrictions. Pray for us to be still before God first and then celebrate with friends and family.
To all of you in quarantine my prayers and love go out to you. I applaud our front line workers.
I pray that as we celebrate OUR RISEN SAVIOUR, that this Easter would be extra sweet and intimate in our individual relationships with Jesus our Lord!
Love, His Warrior and Disciple,
Submitting to be His Dance partner here in Cambodia,
Your sister, Vidya
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