It was the year 2009 when I first came here to Cambodia. Pastor Nancy had asked each of us on our team of 12 members to take a particular word and meditate on it and then see how it could be used as part of our devotional. I cannot remember the specific word, but I do remember having tendonitis, so I could not write whilst others were busy scribbling down their answers. After 5 minutes Pastor Nancy called on me to say what the word meant to me. I remember breaking up the word into smaller words and then turning each of the words into a question related to my spiritual lesson.
And then it clicked for me.
Literacy or education would be one of the ways God was going to use me as part of His plan here on earth!
On that same trip we had gone to Toul Sleng, a S-21 genocide museum, a school facility which had been transformed into an internment, interrogation and extermination camp used by the Khmer Rouge between 1975-1979. The pictures and the stories and the prison cells together with the tools of torture are still there on display and I remember thinking that the Khmer Rouge had been using this facility to re-educate the people into their way of thinking, abusing what real education of transformation and progress was all about!
Fast forward to 3 weeks ago, when I met with the head of the English programme at the Steang Meang Chay church campus (my church here; there are many church plants which radiate from this main church campus) to discuss my potential role with them. At this campus there are students who come from the countryside. They are poor financially (not impoverished in spirit or in abilities); they cannot afford to go to school, so New Life church provides food and living accommodations in dorms while they get an education here in the city.
As I sat in on a class and listened to the Khmer teacher teach English to the students, and try to lay down the fundamentals of the lesson that day, I was able to help with the pronunciation of certain words (Yes! Gasp! To those of you who are saying, did Vidya say she was helping with the pronunciation? Yes!) by using my Khmer written skills! I was able to write the sound using Khmer script so that they could say the sound in English!
As I went back to my seat I felt that rush or thrill knowing that the reason I had been learning the heart language was not only to share His heart but also to be a better teacher here in my heart country! I was seeing tangible proof of spending time learning Khmer and knowing that education in the form of teaching English and related work skills was the way to lead the next generation forward here in Cambodia!
As I spoke with the Khmer teacher, who had only been teaching for 4 months, I was so pumped because I got to see a teacher who loved his students, who included all of his students in the lesson and genuinely had a passion to teach. Many of us have been in classes where the teacher/professor mechanically taught the lesson but was not able to communicate the love of learning as part of the education process, using what is familiar to extend the understanding of concept being taught.
Learning English is costly. Many cannot afford to go to school, but it is still the number one business language in the world. A case in point, one of the young students, age 16, would often see the head of the English programme, Pov, at the local market, and would choose to speak to him in English rather than Khmer. This intrigued the teacher, so he invited this young man to join the English programme at the church campus and the rest is history! This student caught my attention by the smart questions he asked as well as his humor when he formulated sentences using adjectives in the lesson being taught. Unfortunately, his parents need his help to earn money for the family as it is with most poor families here, so the prayer is that he will be able to stay!
On the other hand, I got to celebrate my housemate’s sister graduating with her Masters-in-Law at the university here! She worked two jobs during the day and went to school. She not only learnt to speak English but is also fluent in Chinese.
Sacrifice and perseverance were the key elements back then to having an education and here it is the same. Having faith that I am part of His plan here has coated those two elements with His grace and love which leads to that assurance that, yes, I am here to do His will by using His skills given to me through the medium of education.
When all of my appliances seemed to be breaking down at same time, my two coffee press 'things' also broke at the same time! I know, hey...unbelievable, but then I remembered the gift I was given by Karen S. and also Ian and Ramona: Starbucks instant coffee packs! I had never used them but kept them for a ‘rainy day’ (a.k.a. I forgot I had them in my cupboard) and I am so happy! I usually start my day by having coffee with Jesus, so let the dance continue!
Prison Fellowship Update:
I met with Prison Fellowship Ministry over a year ago. The plan was to finish up Khmer studies so that I could go in to teach English at the youth prisons. Since then the government of Cambodia has changed the rules. They have given accreditation status to Khmer teachers who would go in to teach English, but not to expat teachers. So if you are a prisoner and you enroll in an English class, then upon completion of the course you will receive a certificate from the government which could be used when you were reintegrated back into society.
So for now, until things change, working with PF in that capacity has to be put on hold. There was one position working in administration to help foreign visitors with expat prisoners, but after sage advice from Pastor Sunder and Sham, my spiritual mentors at my church, and the revelation of my skills already written above, I knew that God had gifted me with relational skills, not administrative (many of you are saying AMEN!), and the reason I have been learning my heart language of Khmer is to work with the Khmer people!
Prayer Request:
Besides working with the students here on English/conversational and work skills, I am being asked to be a ‘resource’ teacher to other Khmer teachers as well. Please pray for a definite leading by God into this role as well.
Prayer Request:
Please pray as I go out of the city area to another area which is poorer in comparison.This community is a satellite community to my church here. The role is to teach and help with the implementation of the curriculum.
Prayer Request:
This Friday I have organized with some expat friends an informal thank-you get-together with my teachers and their spouses. We are praying for no rain as the rainy season has begun. Pray for God-conversations and the deepening of bonds!
Changing PO Box with my Khmer Tutor
Finally, there is a change in my mailing address. I extend my apologies to anyone who has sent me anything within the past year. There was a mix-up, so when I went to transfer my PO box closer to my home, I found out that no mail sent to my former address had been processed or put into my mailbox. So if you thought I was rude in not acknowledging your mail, it was because I never received any! My eldest sister had sent me a card but I never received it. Thank you! Please keep on sending me your prayer requests. This has been a long one!
Love, His Warrior and Disciple,
Submitting to be His Dance partner here in Cambodia,
Your sister, Vidya
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