Tuesday, 19 January 2016

#89 - A New Rhythm In The Orchard

Vol.# 89
Thank you for your continued words of advice and support!

I have been discharged from the hospital and am now staying at my friend Annette's place. 

Physiotherapy has not begun yet but I have been doing my stretching and walking up and down the stairs as I have been taught!

So much drama has happened over the last month that I thought I would share the light-hearted moments.

Yes, I have learnt a new dance move! It is called the Pampers shuffle!
Picture this: There I am walking in the corridor, with the IV attached to one arm, and wearing the hospital's underwear of choice, (yes, too much info for some of you but that is reality here!), when I felt the Pampers heading southwards down to my knees! Let me tell you, you have to adjust the way you are walking, a new rhythm so to speak, just to get back to your room before it goes all the way down! 
Apparently one size fits all is the norm here!

To all of you moms and caregivers who have put on diapers of any size on squirming babies and kids, you have my respect! I was having trouble putting them on!

I was popular at the hospital, not for any skills that I had or my sense of humour, but popular as to how HE created me. They never had anyone with a blood pressure as low as I had, so frequently I would have teams come into ICU just to look at me! And, of course, my blood pressure would be taken every four hours even at nighttime!

Well, I had been watching a lot of Agatha Christie TV shows, and the only English station on the TV was the Crime channel with CSI etc. It was around 2 in the morning, and I was awakened by this voice saying, "I want to take your blood ma’am". The voice was attached to this guy who looked like the bad guy in the shows I was watching, who naturally was the one who killed the patients in the show!  I must have either gasped or gave him such a look that he drew back and said hesitantly, “Ma'am?” I shook my head and waved him out of the room!

In hindsight, the poor man whose name is Ryan was saying, “I have come to take your blood pressure!” But with English as his second language, and in my medicated sleep, I, of course, did not hear that and scared the poor guy! The good news is I can still put the fear in someone even when I am so sick! (LOL)

SO for the next few days I was extra nice to Ryan, making conversation with him and finding out his story. He came from the Philippines with his brother and sister to find work so they could send money back home to his family! He loved to listen to the worship songs I would be playing on my laptop and told me of the missionaries who came to the Philippines! His English was very good, so often he would translate to the Thai nurses what I wanted and would come and assist me!
My doctor from Thailand
I had a wonderful female doctor from Thailand who was gentle and sympathetic. She had been asking the nurses to send me the updated medical report so I could send it to Dr. Gamble, (Bless you Dr. Gamble, you were one of my life lines of support), but they would never do it! 

So I told her I had a plan: at 12 that day I would go and sweetly ask them if they had my correct email address, since I apparently had not been sent any updates. Then after checking with them, I would say thank you with a big smile and bow! Three hours later, if I had not received the report, I would then return to the desk, and say, "I notice you are very busy, and you may not have time to do this task, so this is what I am going to do, I am going to stand here and help you! Just turn your computer towards me, get my file and I would send it to myself! Or I would just hang out here at the desk! 

Well I got my file within 10 minutes! The doctor came in that night and asked, “Did your plan work? I said, “Yes, it did!”
She laughed so hard, so now she is using my method!

I got a chance to talk to her about how grateful I am to God for giving me a community from my church who not only prays for me, but for her and the other doctors as well! 

The heart specialist came to say goodbye and I asked to take a pic with them. His first response was, “Do you want to put on some makeup?”

Making my heart specialist look good!
I gave him a look. Really?
Channak, who was there, fell over laughing at my response! I had not worn any makeup for a month, so the nurses said I have to come back when I was all made up so they could see how I might look! (?????) (I prefer not to go too deeply to analyse that statement!)
Oh by the way, my response to the doctor? “Enjoy this moment, I am going to make you look good!" Yes, I was being cheeky!

But seriously, I know if it was not for the insurance, I would not be able to have access to medical treatment. So I am very grateful to God for leading me to the Great Commission, as they made sure I had coverage etc. I know the average Khmer does not have access to really good medical care, so I am praying for a change for them.

I am very thankful to Annette, my angel here, who has taken me in, but I am looking forward to planning a thanksgiving time for what HE has done through many of you! 
Channak has been my mediator with the insurance company and the hospital administrator; my sister Sita has been sending the updates out to you; Ian and Ramona have been my advocates in Canada with Great Commission and ensuring I do not worry about things here!  Ruby has been my prayer warrior and constant encourager!

There are so many people to thank. How blessed am I?  There are too many to name, but HE knows, and I pray that the time you have all invested will be returned many times over to you!

I am learning a new rhythm of life in Him, so my dance moves are changing, but I want to be like one in the 'orchard' that Barb Manchester spoke of, with His fruit going deep within me as I cling to the vine, My Jesus, the Christ!

I also still need to bolster my financial support. Please email me. Thank you so much!

Love, His Warrior and Disciple, submitting to be His dance partner here in Cambodia,
Your servant, Vidya

** (P.S. I am at 90 percent of my monthly support, would you consider becoming one of my dance partners? Please email me!)

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you Vids....always in my prayers and thoughts..♡♡
