Tuesday 27 October 2015

#79 - Laundry Tings and Curtain Call!

Vol.# 79

Hi Everyone!

The process of getting settled here can be unsettling! 
I was told that the repairman would come on the weekend to fix the lighting and that the Wi-Fi guy would come at a certain time, BUT, suddenly I got a call that plans were changed so I had to be home to get everything done! So there I was scrambling to re-schedule my day to accommodate the new arrangements!

The washing machine was installed, but before I could use it I had to go out to buy the laundry hanger ting a ming jing! (Not sure what you call it!) 
So with the help of Channak's sister, Shuling, off we went on the moto! I apparently did not think this through, because there I was carrying 2 of the laundry tings (that word tings is so handy now!) on the moto!
Me on moto carrying laundry ting!
Laundry ting!

 When we first started, with me holding the 'tings' and making sure I stayed on the moto, it was all good! Then the wind shifted and then it was as if I was the sail on a boat! Maybe I should have gotten a tuk tuk?

Then we had to bring it up the narrow stairs, which we did laughing as we got hooked into the overhanging wires! 
Then I needed curtains in the living room for some semblance of privacy, but the width of the doorway is quite wide and to buy curtain rods that long was going to be expensive, so as I prayed, my eyes spied the very long broom used to clean the cobwebs off the ceiling and I thought, Mmm, why not just use that as a curtain rod and take off the brush part! 
Shuling said okay, so off again we went into the hot sun to buy one. 

Now bringing that back was slightly dangerous! If you held it vertically you might just hit the overhanging electrical wires as I went through the side streets to my place and if you held it horizontally at my side you might hit moto/car either in front or the back of us! By the grace of God we got it home!
Later Channak and Jonny came over with drill tools and we put up my curtains! My curtains were a gift from Marcia Bergman and Peter V from their visit to Place of Rescue when they surprised me by redecorating my room for me! I had kept them in storage at friend's place here for past 7 months!

Jonny and Channak
So now I could use my washing machine that is set up in the washroom!

But no, it would not work so I had to call Shuling or had to call the store to get the workman to come in! Of course, speaking no English and with my limited Khmer that was tricky! The first thing he checked was to see if I had plugged in the machine! Really? Of course I did!
Then Channak called to ask if I had plugged in the machine! Really?  

Well, it worked, and I finally was able to do laundry completely forgetting that the hose for the water to go out was just left on the bathroom floor so I stepped into the water when I went to check on the machine! All of this is a learning curve!

Sunday morning: As the lights dimmed before we started the worship service, I felt a tug on my arm; it was one of my former students from Rescue! Then another, and another, until my row was filled with all of them! Then as we sang and danced I saw this girl come up to me and she just grabbed me and literally lifted me off the floor! Yes, it was one of my former students I used to pray for and she had seen me across the room and could not believe her eyes that it was me. (After squeezing me she says, you got fat! Lol!) 

I wish now I had taken a pic of all of us after the service, but my tuk tuk driver was waiting, so I am trying to see if I can get together with all of them on Saturday which is their free day!
The message centred on fighting for our faith, and being a church that is a sending church!

Praise God: for all that He has accomplished. I went to register for school and had a great time reconnecting with Lois, my former flatmate. She is one of the founding members of Gateway to Khmer I saw one foreigner come in and he spoke to the Khmer teacher there on his break. He spoke like a Khmer! He was in Module 5 and that gave me such a boost and I cannot wait to start school next week! I also spoke with one of the main worship foreign leaders at New Life and she was so encouraging to me. She leads in Khmer and is fluent after being here for 11 years, but she said she wished she had been able to go full time like I am doing now!

Prayer requests:
-I will be connecting with Prison Fellowship. Pray that I will be able to go and see them this week before school starts please! I know it is not in the city so I need to work out the proper time to go out and to see where I can best fit in and serve them!

-For the moto driver who will take me to school every day. Please pray that God will give me one that lives on my street. I would prefer a younger person who is going to school and needs the money to help in their education, but I leave that in His hands! I would have to leave early (school starts at 7:30am but there is such a bottle neck of traffic to exit on to the main street that I need to be able to time myself. Life starts at 6am, so everyone is on the road from 6 to 8 going in to school or work!

-Physical health. I have not started any workouts, yet climbing 3 flights of stairs each time feels like one, and when anyone comes I have to go down to open the gate and troop back up! But I need to be intentional in keeping my body, His temple, in best possible shape so please pray as I look into continuing my swimming lessons (and yes, I cannot swim!) and my kick boxing classes! Lois told me of one place which is not too far from the school.

Thank you for sending me your prayer requests. I have been praying through them! I started setting up my balcony area for prayer time! I have no living room furniture still but that will happen later on!


His Warrior and Disciple, submitting to be 

His dance partner here in Cambodia,

Your servant, Vidya

(P.S. I am at 70 percent of my monthly support, would you consider becoming one of my dance partners? See the end of this post for contact and donor information).

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